Traveling to Malaysia |PH Immigration Stories

Traveling is one of the best things you can do to get away from the stress of working and worrying about school projects and grades. They say that traveling has wonderful benefits for your well-being and health. From improving your communication and social skills to broadening your horizons about other people’s cultures and perspectives, there is something for everyone. It will undoubtedly help you with everything.

I am fortunate to be able to travel with the love of my life. Making new memories and sharing new experiences.ย In this blog, I will share my immigration experience as well as some advice for a smooth process.


I didn’t get enough sleep in the days leading up to my trip. I was both nervous and excited because I would be seeing my boyfriendย again. I was also concerned about how the immigration process would go. I’d heard and read stories about immigration in the Philippines that involved offloading people and never allowing them to fly to their destinations. Despite the fact that this was not my first flight and that there had been no problems in the past with getting through immigration, I was still very nervous. My family joined me, and we arrived four hours before the departure time because of the traffic situation in Cebu. But, before that, I had already gathered the documents that I needed to present.

You also need to prepare money for the fees that you need to pay.
Travel Tax – travel tax is a fee imposed by the government for Filipinos traveling abroad. The full travel tax is P1,620 for passengers on economy class plane tickets and P2,700 when flying first class.
Terminal Fee – P750

After checking in at the luggage counter, receiving your boarding pass, and paying the fees, the next crucial and nerve-racking step is to face Immigration Officers (funny but true). We need to fill out this departure card and go through immigration. You must prepare the necessary documents, especially if you are a Filipino.
Passport – atleast 6 months valid
Visa – If applicable
Return Ticket

However, you should prepare additional documentation in case the Immigration officer requests additional proof that you will return to the Philippines and will not work illegally in another country.

Hotel Booking Confirmation
Travel Itinerary
Certificate of Employment
Company ID
Travel Money – to show that you can sustain yourself throughout the whole trip
Authenticated affidavit of support- if unemployed and the trip is being sponsored by a family member/ relative.

After a few minutes of standing in line, it wasย finally my turn. I gave the immigration officer my passport and boarding pass. First, she inquired, “What is the purpose of your journey?” I told her it was only for a short vacation. Then she asked me more questions such as, “How long will you be in Malaysia?” “When was your last trip out of the Philippines?” “Are you going to be alone?” I gave her a yes/no response. Just had to be direct, and doesn’t want to say anything else in case she thinks I’m up to something.

I told her that I wouldn’t be alone during my entire stay in Malaysia, and that I would be with my boyfriend. She also asked proofsย of our relationship. Our photos together, my boyfriend’s passport, and she even readย our conversation. Everything confirmed my answers, and when she finally stamped my passport, I was so calm on the outside, but I wanted to jump and do the happy dance on the inside. After that, I proceeded to the final security scanner and then to my assigned gate number.

After several exhausting days of not getting enough sleep and overthinking, my mind finally felt at ease. I don’t want it to interfere with our plans. I also understand the precautionary measures that our Immigration Officers are taking. This is solely for the protection of Filipino travelers. I believe you will be fine as long as you are truthful in your answers and have documentation to back it up.

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