Why are you a fan of Mr. Ambrose and Lilly?

If you’re a frequent Wattpad reader, you’ve probably heard or read about the famous Granite Mr. “Knowledge is power is time is money”, Rikkard Ambrose and the feisty Ifrit,ย Lilly Linton. In EVERY Wattpad story, these names are mentioned in the comments section by a large number of people. Yes, they’re literally everywhere, despite the fact that the story isn’t about them.ย They are Wattpad’s power couple.ย They are the protagonists of the story Storm and Silence. This story has received 80.2 million reads and 3.3 million votes on Wattpad, and it was the winner of the People’s Choice Award and the Story of the Year Award in 2015.

Sir Rob, aka Robert Thier, is the brains behind this book series. I’ve been a fan since 2015. It was not easy with all theย cliffhangers he threw at us!ย However, the story is definitely worth it, but our favorite couple’s story isn’t over yet. Sir Rob has blessed us with four more books, giving us a reason to live (every Wednesday). It is now on its fifth book and is still ongoing. Lilly and Rikkard, with the ship nameย Likkard or Lambrose have been through a lot, and when I say a lot, I mean A LOT. From traveling to different countries to learning new languages and meeting new and amusing characters, there is no doubt that the story captivated the readers. As time passes, the number of fans grows, which is what this entire blog is about. “Why are you a fan of Mr. Ambrose and Lilly?” I asked my fellow readers known as Ifrits. I’m curious as to why they continue to support these two incredible characters. Now, brace yourself; here are some of the best responses I received from them:

“They’re classical and they make my heart flutter so much my face hurts from smiling. Let’s also not forget how they make me pull at my hair out of frustration but I still love them so much! “Crislyn Castro de Gracia

“They aren’t typical black and white characters. I mean let’s face it, they both have their own set of morals and values which defy social norms, they have questionable sense of justice and conscious, and yet they are one of the best characters ever on Wattpad. They aren’t typical protagonists who are stupidly selfless. They are selfish in a completely realistic way and their actions, though sometime morally incorrect, are something we can relate to.” Ananya Sinha

Because no matter what, they are brutally honest. They will not act like theyโ€™re acting in your best interest. And their relationship grew in a realistic way.” – Bintou Whut

“They portray that couples don’t need to be lovey dovey just to express their love for each other. And enjoying the rhythm of their relationship with all the twists and turns together, just knowing that they’ve got each other’s back regardless of circumstance they face. They’ve also got a unique expression of love in a not so chessy yet comforting way.” Oeisau Madrid Oliveras

“Because they have this love and hate thingy??๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†..and despite of their individual strong personalities,they still agree on one thing,..and that is money”  Criselda Sotto

“I’m a fan of Mr. Ambrose and Lilly because they are unlike any of the couples I have read about. They have a unique way of showing their love. This makes their story more interesting. I want to witness them have their happy ever after”Samantha May

“Simple. The 5 books prove that their love is real. It took them 5 BOOKS to get to where they are now. They went through life and death situations together. They solved problems together. And most of all, Amby has changed so much. He learned to compromise. Lilly is his perfect match. I fell inlove with them. What’s not to love anyway?๐Ÿ˜‚”  Marlus Ostan

“I love Mr Ambrose and Lilly because they’re are not according to society, they like to do whatever damn they want!! And of course there’s chemistry!! We can’t miss it for life”Viharika Parankusham  

“Their romance and personality are not conventional. They defy some of the ridiculous norms of society and give a reasonable (and sometimes funny) explanation to why they do it.” Fatima Zahra

“It’s because of their chemistry and their individual personalities that got me hooked. It’s also the fact that their relationship really took time to blossom compared to some unrealistic cliche stories out there.” Neeyah_Ley

“The mentality of Lily and the motivation she always had to be independent marked me. She is a great inspirational character to follow. And the best was she always is herself and whatever she made was for her, Mr Ambrose was a man that came with the time, she didnt need to change anything about herself for him to fall for her.” Seni.Wave

“Both are unique in their own way. Mr. Ambrose might look and sound heartless, but he has a very big heart for those he cares about like Lilly and Karim. While Lilly is a fiery wonder. That is, she does things her own way without giving a damn about anybody.”Nwonye Adanna Stacy

“Honestly I love them, because I love the way their relationship developed, it was not a story about two people who met, felt in love and knew right away they were meant to be together. It is about two people that started spending a lot of time together slowly fall in love without realizing it, I like the fact that there is a process in their relationship, and for me that realistic.
I admire the fact that they love each other for who they are and not who they expect the other to be, that they stay true to who the are, and sometimes is complicated because of their different perspectives but that does not change their love. And finally I like the fact that the demonstrations of love are not conventional, those demonstrations are small actions but since they know each other really good, they know how much effort it takes to achieve that action.”
Marรญa Alejandra Sรกnchez

“Its very refreshing to see someone like Lilly who is so strong minded even at such an era where every girl’s motive is to get married at soon as possible. She stands apart from everyone telling that its ok to be different. Whereas I love Mr. Ambrose because however he is, he is very genuine, like every other male he doesn’t go trying to impress the ladies with how impressive he is by saying stories like how he killed elephants with a stick. He is truthful about who he is. And both of them, together rock.”Anisha Sen

“I love their dynamic. Their characters, their sense of humor (yes even Ambrose) the character growth from the first book has been amazing. Three books are very well written.”Herta Neufeld

“Their characters are a fresh breath of air compared to all others out there who have the same attitudes & same story line and same reactions to the same scenarios. They are different, someone I can actually see existing in real life.” Ivonn Luna

“I love how their relationship is not forced. It wasnโ€™t rushed but built. Itโ€™s not love at first sight or cheesy. They are also different from each other but the same at the core.” Tracy Magret Francis

We all have different reasons and explanations for why we like these two, but one thing is certain: we will continue to support these characters and Sir Rob. I’m sure he still has a lot in store for us, and we should brace ourselves for more cliffhangers.

P.S We can’t wait for Ambrose babies!

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5 thoughts on “Why are you a fan of Mr. Ambrose and Lilly?

  1. There’s my love I sent to mr Ambrose and Lilly!! And it’s an awesome post my dear!!! ๐Ÿ˜

  2. Ahhh! Stupid autocorrect! I was trying to say THESE books (not three books). All the books are fantastic!

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